Welcome to the Player Guide! Here
you will find all sorts of
information about the server
including, but not limited to:
How to Get Started.
Wars: How to Begin Your Conquest.
Custom Mobs & Items.
Premium Benefits
...and more!
Don't find what you were looking for? Don't be afraid to ask in-game or head on over to [our forums] for help!
New Player Speed Guide
First, you should decide
whether you want to start your
own Town or join a
pre-existing one. Cooperation
is key to survival in this
hostile world.
If you choose to start your own settlement (highly recommended to only do so with friends if you're a beginner), then you should have a view of the World Map [here]. See a place you'd like to settle in? Then head on over there.
Once you're there type /t new <TownName> to begin your new colony! If you don't have enough money, do [/vote] to get some Crowns and some Missions that award you even more Crowns.
If you instead opted to join an existing Town, type /t spawn to go to your Town's claims. Once there, ask for a plot of land and a couple of chests.
Now it's time to get involved in the world surrounding you!
Want to be a renowned soldier? A famed adventurer?
A master architect or a wealthy merchant?
You decide!
Shrines of Translocation
You will want to travel for reasons such as trade, war and dungeon delving, but Lordania is a very vast land, making it unfeasible to just travel by foot. Luckily, there are mystical structures scattered among the realms that take advantage of long-lost technology to allow for long distance teleportation. These structures are known as Shrines of Translocation, or simply Shrines.
Shrines have a very distinct magical appearance to them, and are easily found due
to their distinct floating crystal and beacon light.
When at a Shrine you can teleport to any other Shrine by clicking on the indicated block and choosing another to travel to. Doing this costs a Keystone, which can easily be obtained by doing [/vote].

With Dynmap, you can see the entire world's map, where Towns are located and their corresponding land claims. Along with this, you can also see every player that's at the surface of the world (if they're hidden on Dynmap it means sunlight cannot hit them).
Dynmap is a great tool to scout places to settle and gather positional intel on your enemies.
War System
Non-Premium players: 1%
✿ Elite Rank players: 2%
❀ Hero Rank players: 3%
❁ Legend Rank players: 5%
War is an integral part of Lordania, and part of what makes the server unique. The world is in a constant state of war so you best get accustumed to the system quickly!
Nations are a collective of Towns and can be formed by a Mayor of a Town at the cost of 30,000 Crowns. Nations can start sieges and tax their Towns. If a Town cannot pay the Nation Tax, they will fall to ruins for 24 hours and be automatically removed from the Nation.
A Nation can only have 3 Sieges active at any point. You can check ongoing conflicts with /n.
Sieges can be started by a Nation King, Co-King or General placing a (non-white) banner at the edge of the target Town's claims, and having an initial investment of 50 + 100 Crowns per claimed chunk of land of the defending Town. This initial investment will go to the victors of the conflict.
Sieges last for 3 days and the winner is decided using a points system.
Attackers Add Points, while Defenders Subtract Points .
Players can stand 16 blocks from the banner for
10 minutes
to gain
Banner Control. Once Banner Control is established, you will start earning points for your side at the rate of
10 points every 15 seconds
and are no longer required to be in the banner zone. You may steal Banner Control for your side by standing in the control area uninterupted for the amount of time mentioned above. However, only
3 players of any one side may have Banner Control at any one time. When a player with Banner Control goes offline, they will lose Banner Control and will no longer earn points.
(Disclaimer: this does NOT mean that the entire nation loses Banner Control, but that the player who gained Banner Control will not be earning points for their side anymore.)
You may also earn points for your side by killing opposing players. Each player kill is worth
500 Points. The maximum number of points a side can have at any one time is
10000 Points.
At the end of the 3 days, if the points are negative the defenders will win, if the points are positive the attackers will win. You can check the current score and time left at any point by typing /t <defending Town's name>
Newly created Towns have a 1 week grace period where they can't be sieged.
Outcome Consequences
When a Siege is concluded, if the defenders win they will receive the upfront cost the attackers paid. If the attackers manage to break through the Town's defenses, they will receive the upfront cost and will have the options of Pludering and/or Capturing the Town.
The defeated Town can be plundered by a General or King of the attacking Nation by placing a chest next to the Siege banner. If this happens, the Town will be forced to pay 125 Crowns per claimed chunk. If the Town cannot pay, it will fall into ruins.
A ruined Town loses all its claim protection, so outside players can steal from chests and break any blocks, however, ruined Towns are not exempt from griefing rules. You may only break blocks to open pathways or to steal valuables.
After 24 hours have passed, the Town can be reclaimed using /t reclaim.
The defeated Town can be
captured by a General or
King of the attacking Nation
by placing a coloured
banner next to the Siege
banner. A captured Town
will be incorporated into the
attacking Nation for 1 week,
during which they are forced
to pay Nation
After a week has passed, the Town can leave the invading Nation with the command /n leave.
A Town Mayor can declare Neutrality by typing /t toggle neutral. Neutral Towns cannot willingly be part of a Nation and must pay a daily (real life day) tax of 500 Crowns to remain Neutral.
Neutral Towns are not immune to Sieges, however, they are immune to forced PvP, Plunder and Nation Taxes. They can be captured, although the occupation is in name only and the Town will not lose its Neutral status.
Declaring Neutrality is a process that takes 7 days.
Head Drops
When a player is slain in PvP, they have a chance of dropping their head as an item that scales depending on who dealt the final blow. The chances are like so:
Chat Commands
Our multiple chat channels have differing channel colours, listed below.
Town Chat (use /tc)
Nation Chat (use /nc)
Alliance Chat (use /ac)
General Chat (use /g)
Trade Chat (use /tr)
PvP Chat (use /pvp)
Local Chat (use /lc)
You can leave any channel by typing /leave <channel>, i.e: /leave lc.
You can send a private message to another player with /w <player> [text].
If you want to contact an offline player, you can
send them an in-game mail with /m send <player> [text]
Staff & Tickets
For the purposes of assisting the player base, we have a Staff Team ready for any problems that might occur! You can easily recognize a Staff member in-game by their distinct ✾ name icon and their pink chat names. However, if you need Staff assistance you should contact us over on [Discord] through our Ticket System.
By opening a Ticket you allow us to provide assistance faster and more accurately! Tickets can be opened for: player reports, bug reports, ban appeals, questions, suggestions and staff abuse reports. If you don't feel comfortable opening a Ticket to report Staff power misuse, please contacteither Koi#5911, Sephite#0367 or Doraiaky#6359 through [Discord].
Miscellaneous Commands
Useful commands to know!
/rc - Displays relation colours in player's name tags.
/vote - Quickly brings you to the voting page.
/help - Brings you here.
/rules - Takes you to the rules page.
/discord - Gives you the Server's Discord link.
/premium - Links you to the Premium page.
/loreitems - Takes you to the Lore Items page.
Build Identity
Being a Medieval Fantasy Server, we have correspoding building regulations. Generally, keep your builds in a Medieval, Steampunk or Magical tone. For more details, check [Section 2 of our Server Rules].